Reliable connectivity everywhere on rails | Eurailscout

“A solution that suits our needs” | User Case with Eurailscout


The problem:

  • Unreliable connectivity for equipment in remote areas hindering operations
  • Real-time monitoring is vital for rail infrastructure safety

Venn’s solution:

  • 4G routers for reliable connectivity
  • Global data coverage through various providers, all under one service
  • A single portal for easy asset management


  • Enabled remote access and interaction with assets
  • Improved monitoring and maintenance capabilities
  • "Reliable connectivity everywhere on the rails"

Eurailscout are on a daily mission to ensure rail transport is safe, reliable and available.

Working 24/7 across European countries – including the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and France - their monitoring provides railway services with clear and useful information on the current condition of railway tracks and surrounding infrastructure.

Using specially-designed measurement trains and video images, they map out the infrastructure and identify any defects early on.

Working on behalf of infrastructure managers in a wide range of countries and companies, these trains gather data on the condition of tracks, overhead lines, and other components. This data is then analysed to identify potential problems and recommend maintenance before it causes disruptions or, worse, safety hazards.

Eurailscout's goal is to make rail transport safer and more reliable by helping to prevent problems before they occur. Reliable and constant contact with their trains and measurement assets is crucial, but Eurailscout are often working in remote locations with limited connectivity.

Venn proposed using 4G routers and global data to ensure connectivity in difficult places and enable the constant connection it was previously impossible for them to have.

“Reliable connectivity everywhere on the rails.”

Why did you choose to work with Venn?

Eurailscout needed reliable and fast access to their maintenance equipment and assets. These don’t work as well without connectivity.

Eurailscout had tried investing in another system with the ability to intervene remotely but that system was not coping without good coverage and stable internet. Eurailscout had already spent a lot of money on this track and trace system, and it was not performing as needed.

What was Venn Telecom’s solution?

Venn proposed using 4G mobile data for connectivity in unusual places, enabled with the suitable routers and antennas.

This would mean constant connectivity with their assets, managed easily through one portal. It would replace the previous track and trace, allowing them to interact and intervene remotely where needed. Once installed on their assets, Eurailscout would be able access these via the internet to solve software issues on systems.

And how has it worked?

The solution delivers on what was needed: “reliable connectivity everywhere on the rails.”

It has enabled the connectivity it was previously impossible for them to have. The old track and trace system is now unnecessary as Eurailscout can now find and interact with their assets via Venn’s portal.

In addition, Venn’s service has been “unmatched by other providers”, says Eurailscout. “The solution suits our needs. The client support is fantastic, with fast reactions by the team.”

In one case, where a SIM router became defective, they noted that this was fixed “very fast” and put back in service by Venn’s rapid dispatch of another router. Venn know how important connectivity is; we’re always ready to respond quickly and go the extra mile to ensure it happens.

Not impossible anymore: Connecting remote areas

Keeping trains reliably connected has always been seen as tricky. They move across borders and in and out of provider’s service areas. Geographical features such as hills and valleys, and tunnels and infrastructure, can all cause interference. Using 4G routers and global data was the key to untangling Eurailscouts connectivity problem – but they’re not the only available solutions for remote locations, and more are being developed each year.

Whether it’s ensuring constant connectivity on the high seas or providing complex worldwide back-up to dispersed sites, we can now create connections where they were impossible before, enabling a whole new world of options.

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