When Reliable Connectivity Means Saving Lives | SDIS 04

“The Venn Telecom team was attentive, responsive, patient and ultra-accessible, with a reassuring proximity, in particularly the support” | User Case with SDIS 04

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The problem:

  • Emergency situations require a rapid and effective response.
  • Geographically varied environment with “white zones” with no mobile data signal.
  • Connectivity tools and infrastructure needed to be updated to meet operational requirements.

Venn’s solution combined:

  • High-speed Internet access, combining Starlink’s satellite technology and mobile data.
  • Updated equipment includes Peplink routers and wireless antennas.
  • Ongoing monitoring and support service to ensure optimum system operation.


  • Fast and stable internet, without interruptions, enables optimisation of operations.
  • Improved user comfort and usability.
  • Improved responsiveness helps guarantee the safety and protection of the population.

When connection is critical: Supporting SDIS 04

In the heart of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region in France, the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service has been keeping people safe for decades.

In order to continue to respond effectively, the updating of tools and infrastructure is an ongoing priority. They turned to Venn Telecom for a responsive solution.

Located between the Alps and Provence, the Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours (SDIS) 04 is responsible for emergency assistance and risk prevention across one of France’s largest and most geographically varied environments.

Spanning mountains, valleys, and plateaus, common risks to people in the area include forest fires, floods, earthquakes and avalanches, as well as dam rupture and industrial risks.

In addition to firefighting and safety, SDIS 04 provides assistance to people in distress and first-aid training. Reliable connectivity is a crucial and potentially life-saving. When SDIS 04 recognised the need to update and optimise their tools and infrastructure in order to respond as effectively as possible, they contacted Venn Telecom to see what solutions could meet their needs.

Tailored solutions for proactive improvements.

The solutions they sought were not just reactions to a problem, but a proactive initiative aimed at improving every aspect of operations.

Venn’s combined solution delivered reliable high-speed internet, combining Starlink and mobile data with enhanced functionality and monitoring through Peplink’s latest hardware.

Venn’s technical expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction was evident throughout the project, said Nicolas Gruson, Head of the Communications / IT / Telephony at SDIS 04. “The Venn Telecom team was attentive, responsive, patient and ultra-accessible, with a reassuring proximity, in particularly the support.

As emergency service providers, SDIS 04 understand how essential responsiveness is. They found Venn to be a reliable and committed partner, ready to respond to needs with efficiency and expertise.

Speaking about challenges encountered during the installations, he said: “Support was very attentive when it came to setting up specific workflows via SpeedFusion. We worked together to find the right settings for our installations and Venn Telecom’s monitoring platform. It took time, but the support was patient, competent and professional.”

Improvements they can rely on

Since implementing the solutions, SDIS 04 has seen significant improvements in its operational efficiency on a daily basis.

  • User comfort and usability have considerably improved.
  • Uninterrupted internet, faster speed and latency reduction have enabled connections to be optimised, enhancing service quality and delivery.
  • The stability of services, particularly those provided with Starlink, has been exceptional with no malfunction reports to date.

Venn Telecom are proud to partner with SDIS 04 to enhance and enable their crucial and life-saving services. Both organisations are looking forward to an ongoing partnership that keeps everyone connected, ensuring the safety and protection of the population.

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